The symbol for the Close-mid central unrounded vowel is IPA LS Uni 02 chart uses a rotated e. A few symbol substitutions have been made: The symbol for the labiodental flap, which in the 2005 chart is an extra symbol from Linguist’s Software, here comes from the Doulos SIL font (2C71). The 2015 chart makes minor changes to wording and layout, but otherwise reproduces the appearance of the 2005 chart. Our use of this font is allowed under our font embedding license. Therefore a chart made primarily with the IPA Kiel character set best represents the symbols of the IPA. However, the font mostly used in the 2005 chart, Linguist’s Software’s IPA Kiel, comes close (* see note below).

In no extant font do all the symbols correspond exactly to the intent of the Association. Whether commercial or free, Unicode-compliant or legacy, every font incorporates unique decisions about such elements as line thicknesses, curves, and proportions. The symbol shapes originally devised and approved by the Association may not be preserved in the symbols in any given font.
You will need a PDF reader such as Adobe PDF Reader to view the PDF files. Thanks to Malgorzata Deron for producing the files.

You can download PDF files of the Chart in various fonts, or PNG image files at various resolutions below. However, if you have further questions, please contact the Secretary. Under this license, there is no need to request permission from the Association for reproduction or re-use. Copyright © 2015 International Phonetic Association." "IPA Chart,, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License.
See for further description.Īttribution under this license may be made as follows: This license allows any kind of re-use (including commercial reproduction and derivative works), as long as attribution is given and the reproduction or derivative work is under the same license. As of July 2012, they are made freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). The IPA chart and all its subparts are copyright 2015/2005 by the International Phonetic Association. Mccarthy, M.J.Reproduction of The International Phonetic Alphabet Reddick, Citizen interaction with E-government: From the streets to servers?, Government Information Quarterly, vol. Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President of the United States, 2003. PMA, Implementing the President's Management Agenda for E-Government.Hazlett, The measurement of service quality (of information services): A proposed new PCP attributes model, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, vol. Peoplesoft, Creating a constituent-focused government, PeopleSoft Inc, Pleasanton, 2009.Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO). (2003, March) E-Government Benefits Study. AAMVA Electronic Government Working Group, America, 2001. Aamva, E-Government: A cost model to compare the marginal costs of traditional DMV transaction delivery to an e-government delivery system.The results are useful in identifying areas for strategic focus to help develop Japan's future e-government strategy. It is a clear and powerful evaluation tool for government to find out attributes that are doing well and attributes that need to be improved, which require action immediately. The IPA, a two-dimensional grid, is broken into four categories: (1) Concentrate Here (2) Keep Up the Good Work (3) Low Priority and (4) Possible Overkill, to enable each of the benefits to be plotted into the grid. The purpose of the survey is not only to measure the actual satisfaction level, but also to highlight important areas for improvements. On a five point Likert scale, the online survey enables the users to rate the relative importance of the benefits, followed by another benefit performance rating. A list of 27 government benefits was identified from the e-government literature reviews and each of the benefits was rated using a five point Likert scale. In this research, the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) grid was used to measure the e-government benefits from the users' perspective. The focus of this paper is to evaluate the benefits of a Japanese e-government project.