As a nice touch the thumb area has very soft mico suede with the intent to use for nose wiping in cold weather. For knuckle protection some low key padding is in there, a good balance of general banging around protection while not feeling over-done or action resistant. On the back-hand side the finger joints are sewn with their own little joints to give very low resistance to finger movement, 2 for the trigger finger as they know that guy will be doing most the work.

This palm area also has the occasional hole to help with ventilation, so definitely not a cold weather glove. This is very important for not only dexterity, but too much extra fabric on the finger tips creates discomfort or gets snagged during weapon manipulation. The finger tips even wrap around to offer a good tight fit rather than little boxes as seen on some other designs. The main palm zone layer is uniquely cut slimming down on the lower fingers for added flexibility while adding more coverage to the trigger finger side as it comes in contact with weapons most. The PIG FDT-Alpha Gloves do not suffer from this issue. A classic example is a heavy padded palm zone may be great for giving bad guys a kung-fu palm strike, however will greatly affected the grip feel on a pistol. The protection is there to keep the wearer's hands protected during firearm manipulation while being overall very slim and flexible to not hinder usage either. Developed by a Rogers Shooting School “Advanced” graduate with over a decade of experience in instructing Military and Law Enforcement personnel, they started from the ground up rather than altering existing designs and it shows. With a lot of carbon fiber punch-the-wall kind of stuff out there, SKD went the other direction to a streamlined shooter's glove. SKD keeps cool guy stuff coming with their PIG line, this time some smooth operator gloves.